Office Suite

By Alan Bennett

Green Forms: Doris and Doreen are comfortably installed in an obscure department of a large organization. On a normal day they keep busy by flirting with nice Mr. Tidmarsh in Appointments or pursuing their feud over a plug with Mr. Cunliffe in Personnel. This is not a normal day. A Visit from Miss Prothero: Mr. Dodsworth has recently retired. Sitting at home, he is contemplating his life and achievements with quiet satisfaction. There is a sharp ring at the door. His former secretary has come to ruin it all. Ironic wit and compassion mark this touchingly real story.



Name Role
Lynda Birch Director
Pauline Woodhead Green Forms - Doris Rutter
Elizabeth Whittaker Green Forms - Doreen Bidmead
Steve Moore Green Forms - Lomax
Steve Harris A Visit From - Arthur Dodsworth
Janet Waterworth A Visit From - Miss Protheroe

Past Production

This show ran from 7th February 1996 - 10th February 1996.


The Arts Theatre, Fearns School
Fearns Moss
OL13 0TG

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